...would you feel confident to carve out time to map your fool-proof plan for success?

As a busy mom it's easy to lose sight of your biggest ambitions, but you can't hide from the fact that your kids learn best by example. 


So when you aim high and succeed, that becomes their life story too.


But right now, life isn't that inspiring is it? 


Each and every day you're missing opportunities to make huge progress on your goals because you're super busy fighting fires and reacting to the demands of your kids, your spouse and your work. 


Deep down you know you’re made for more but you feel trapped...and you're pulled in so many directions you feel like a pinball machine.

...and it should.


But things aren't working out that way.


Instead of taking Fridays off to go for an aromatherapy facial and spend quality time with your kids, you’re desperately trying to get all of your tasks done before schools out, otherwise you’ll have to face ‘yet another’ Saturday working in desperation to catch up.


Slumping on the sofa at 11.30pm after stacking the dishwasher (for the third time) so you don't have to wake up to a sink full of plates, knowing you’ve ticked off a lot of tasks that day but feel unfulfilled and exhausted.


You’re stuck in a domestic version of The Groundhog Day, and the only way out is to work harder to give you the funds you desperately need to hire help.


The nanny, the cleaner, the chef, the V.A., the social media manager…


The list goes on.

You know you have the potential inside of you to have a six figure business...if only there was enough time in the day for you to get your work done.


I hear you, and I’ve got to be honest with you.


You’re not winning.


You’re drowning.

You’ve sacrificed your personal time to get your business off the ground, and now you deserve the payoff.


You deserve to know exactly what you need to do to achieve success in EVERY area of your life.


You deserve to have the roadmap you need to effectively plan what you need to do next to slay your wish list day after day, until one day soon you wake up and realize that you've started living your dream life.


Without hiring help, or sending your kids to join the circus.

But before you can confidently build your robust goal-achieving plan, you need to smash through these false truths that are holding you back.

You just need to work harder (or until midnight) to get everything done. 

You can't do it all. What you need is a cleaner/nanny/housekeeper...

You need to slow down (until the kids are older).

You’ve made it this far, so you ALREADY know that you can have it all as a purpose driven woman without losing your mind or your sanity.


But did you know that building your roadmap for success using my War Week system will give you the power to:


Feel the freedom you set out to achieve when you started working for yourself...and more importantly, the freedom to invest your newfound energy into projects that mean a lot to you (and not those time sucks that mean so much to others).


Give you back two hours each day to free yourself up to be the visionary leader you know you have the potential to be (instead of a hot mess living in reactionary mode to the demands of everyone else).


Chunk/Toss the “I don't have time excuses” so you NEVER have to cancel a coffee date, playgroup session or yoga class again.


Feel joy as you tick off the tasks you've achieved, knowing that you’re another step closer to goals that elevate every single area of your life (not just your business).


In fact, you CAN have it all and STILL relax on the sofa every night knowing you’ve gotten everything done.


All of these are completely within your grasp (no matter where you’re starting from) but they DO require you to be crystal clear on exactly what you want, and for you to take a step-by-step linear approach.


An approach that will keep you laser focused on what needs to be done to make 2021 YOUR year - the year that you excel in every area of your life. The year that you end your days feeling a satisfied sense of achievement. The year you start living the life that you dreamed about when you first daydreamed about your perfect life as a family.

This is the system I’ve used every year for the last 12 years to uplevel every area of my life...

Back in 2008 I found myself laid up with a broken tailbone after giving birth to my son, when my then husband told me that we had no money. None. Zilch.


I’d been bringing in six figures and had taken my eye off the ball. I couldn’t understand how we had no money... but I knew then and there that I was not going down without a fight


I made a promise to myself and my newborn son...I would find my way out of the mess.



I took everything I had learned to date about planning and goal achieving, and I sat in that bed, nursing my injury and learned even more. I put together a plan to make sure that my son and I would never be vulnerable again. A battle plan for our joint success. We were not going to fail...we were going to war on mediocrity and if we were building our lives again from scratch, I was determined it would be the greatest.


Within a year, I was back on top.


Other single working moms asked me how I did it, so I shared the system with them... and their success was nothing short of life-changing.


Fast forward ten years and hundreds of women have been through War Week and I’ve lost count of the number of “aha moments” and life-changing epiphanies. Many of these women email me year after year as they repeat the process to tell me how their dreams really are coming true.


The only comprehensive planning system built exclusively for purpose driven women that GUARANTEES you’ll have crystal clear clarity and a “life proof” implementation plan for how you’ll achieve even your most audacious goals at the end of the 5 days.


Over the last ten years I've worked with:


Women who've tried waking up at 5am to try to get more done only to find themselves slumped at their kitchen table surrounded by empty coffee mugs and a shiny collection of candy wrappers.


Women who try to get organized and make to-do lists the day before only to slump into a pit of despair as 3pm rolls by and only 3 tasks have been ticked off (with 23 to go).


Women who are tired of constantly sacrificing their own time to get jobs done for other people, getting overwhelmed with the never ending demands without a clear end date in sight.


Women who’ve tried the traditional route of goal setting and who don't want to sit back for a while, or wait until the kids are older to live their true purpose.


An easy to follow step by step roadmap to follow alongside aspirational women like yourself to build an immediately actionable implementation plan that will fast track you to the life you want to live.

MODULE 1: The Woman in the Mirror

MODULE 2: Honest Answer

MODULE 3: Counting the Cost

MODULE 4: Building the Battle Plan

MODULE 5: Execution

Daily coaching sessions
Expert on-demand videos training sessions to learn mission critical tools and strategies plus a jolt of jet fuel to get you fired up for the day's assignment.


Daily self-mastery assignments
Each day has been crafted to take you on a journey of self actualization.


You will do the work I set to help you take stock of your life, identify your roadblocks...and then smash through them.


Feedback on your ideas & challenges
You will have questions. You will struggle to break through some of your mindset blocks. Feedback on your ideas & challenges. You will find some of the work tough.


This is why I have curated a highly specialized and intimate community hosted privately on Facebook.



LIFETIME ACCESS AND UPDATES Use this system every year, and every time you need to uplevel your life without paying anything extra. The trainings in War Week will support you as you update your goals, with strategies you can action as you move from start-up to six figures AND strategies you’ll need as you prepare to smash your multi six-figure goals and step through to seven figures. Plus you’ll get all the program updates for free. Value $4997

I’m so passionate about giving purpose driven women the tools they need to succeed that I wanted to give you the reassurance you need to make this decision an easy HECK YES!


Enter the War Week Guarantee.


You get a massive 60 days to explore the War Week experience and the impact it will have on your life.

If after completing the session assignments and getting your questions answered in the War Week Facebook group, you don't get the “aha moments”, the crystal clear clarity and the skills you need to implement your bulletproof battle plan then…


Simply email me at support@diggingdeeperforsuccess.com with your completed worksheets and I’ll click undo on this life-changing, rut melting experiment.


I have kids and I run my business from home... I need this but how do I find the time?


I understand, I’ve been there.


You need to invest time to gain time... and that can feel paralyzing.


But the truth is... if you don’t invest time to do the inner work... then you'll never see the results you want and your life will never change.


Turning your life around and swimming upstream is not an easy thing to do. And I'm not gonna lie to you, it's not a quick fix. You didn't get here in five minutes, and you're not going to get out of it in five minutes.


But I will tell you this: there is a solution that will help you knock this whole situation out of the park in one week.


If you can find two hours a day for five days, then you’ve got this.


Some of the assignments may take you longer but you have lifetime access to the training sessions and I’ll be in the Facebook group for the next 12, 24, 36 months waiting to give you the support and feedback you need. I got you - you just need to get started.


I’ve tried planning workshops before and I still failed to achieve my goals, why will this be any different?


You need to know that this is nothing like a calendar planning class.


This is a tough-love intensive. This is digging deeper into who you are as a person more than you have ever been willing to do before.


This is for women of vision who are willing to go against the grain and dare to be different this year.


Women who are ready to storm the strongholds of their success, locked and loaded on their new priorities. Women who are ready to develop the mindset of a champion.


You can't plan your best year until you have self-mastery. This is what I will teach you, and this is what you can achieve in War Week if you are brave enough to do the work.


What exactly will War Week help me achieve?


War Week will help you identify the real reasons why you’ve been unable to achieve your goals in the past and then teach you how to destroy those subconscious roadblocks so you can become the goal slaying superhuman you were born to be.


Everyone’s goals are different, but one common theme remains the same:


You’re ready to make a difference in the world and you need a guide with the skills and the tools you need to action your plan to get to where you want to be.


Support and accountability are baked right into the War Week system, so no matter whether your goals include financial independence, the desire to travel the world, or the courage to tell your boss to stuff it…


...War Week can give you the antidote to fear so you can leapfrog past all of your mindset monkeys into an actionable plan for your future.


Is this really risk free?


Yes! I want you to join our tribe of warrior women to rise up above mediocrity.


I truly believe that when a woman lives her truth, her influence filters down to her children and this is how we are going to change the world.


I want you to be confident that if you join and don’t get value from this program, you get your money back. If you do the work and decide this isn’t right for you then let me know and I will return your investment...even if it's 59 days, 59 minutes, and 59 seconds since you joined us.

  • You’re starting a new phase of life and are struggling with feelings of overwhelm and lack of clarity. Whether you’re starting a new side hustle, having a baby, or moving to a new city, life is changing. You may be struggling with fear, self doubt, anxiety and you’re worried you may subconsciously hold yourself back from success.
  • You know you have untapped wants and needs but feel scattered and don’t know what you need to do next. You know there's more to life, and there's definitely a better way of doing things but you don't know how to get there without winning the lottery. You're fed up with failing to clear out your task list and are ready to learn how to win at this so you can live up to your true potential.
  • You’re an action taker and you know that the best things in life are earned. You know it's never too late to transform your life and you really can have it all if you're willing to work hard and pay the price.
  • You’re already investing in your personal development. You’re reading books and blogs and listening to podcasts. You know investing your time in self development is time well spent, because every investment in making you a better version of yourself, trickles through your family and makes them better people too.
  • You want financial freedom Maybe you want to hire a nanny, a chef, or a full time housekeeper. Maybe your dreams involve traveling the world and sharing time with people you love in interesting places. You want to untether yourself from debt, and money worries so you can experience the world you know is out there waiting for you.
  • You want to feel purpose in your everyday life. You’re currently ending each day overworked and overwhelmed. You’ve skipped your personal time to fit in the needs and wants of others. You want to end the day feeling like you have achieved something for yourself and something you believe in.
  • You LOVE learning new things, figuring out who you are, and exploring the world around you. You get a kick out of seeing how much you can achieve when you put your mind to it and have the same passion for sharing your growth with other like-minded women.

If you said YES to five or more then you owe it to yourself to give War Week a RISK FREE try.


All you need to do is enter your details below, I can't wait to see you on the inside!

you already know that the ONLY difference between a goal achieving system that has you raving enthusiastically about your business (and buying first class tickets to Disneyland) and one that falls flat on its face comes down to…


...having an immediately actionable implementation plan that is built with busy moms in mind. A plan that predicts the places most women fail and builds bridges right over the chaos so you achieve your goal without sacrificing time with your family or losing your mind.


A plan that includes mini goals you need to achieve to give you the skills you need to smash the big hairy audacious one you've secretly dreamed about for years.

If you plan to grow your business, spend more quality time with your family, and earn enough money to take your family on the vacation of your choice... you need War Week.

If you’re fed up of waking up in domestic Groundhog Day and want to escape from the rut of everyday life... you need War Week.

If you’ve had enough of your mindset standing in the way of you reaching your goals but you don't know what to do next...you need War Week.

If you feel like you’re not living up to your potential, that you have so much more to give and need clarity on what you should do next...you need War Week.

If you’ve decided that 2021 is the year that you're going to step out of your comfort zone, get laser focused, and reach for the life you only dare daydream about in the bath... you need War Week.


If you’re ready, I’m excited to welcome you to the most exciting and life-changing 5 days of your life!